The mission of the Youth Ministry is to establish a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors in young people. Our vision is to respond to the needs of the youth within the church and in the community by providing relative programs, activities, and events that will allow them to build a strong foundation of faith.
The Singles Ministry has a Christian desire to fellowship with other single adults of all ages, stages in life, experiences, talents, and educational backgrounds. We seek to offer bible studies and service opportunities. We aim to build friendships through retreats and conferences.
Senior Saints are devoted to God and understand their duty to continue to serve Him through the church and community.
The Church Pantry: Canned and others non-perishable foods items are collected for the church pantry.
For more information on the church pantry, please call 501-315-9034.
The Visitation Ministry visits those who the church knows is sick and may be in the hospital or home-bound. We show special, tender love to our brothers and sisters going through these difficult times in their lives and although we may have our own, we never want to forget show love and appreciation for our brothers and sisters who we miss and care for.